Sunday, April 26, 2009

Big Kid vs Small Kid

When one obese kid 63kg in Standard 6 accidentally ran over a 9kg toddler and this small kid was flung onto the hard tarmac and landed on his left abdomen which in turn caused his mid rift left clavicle bone cracked fracture!

That happened to Aidan on last 5th April 2009. My poor boy kept on crying until he felt asleep and that night his movement was limited. Since we did not see any bruises, we treated it as hemmmm " sakit badan sebab jatuh" . After 3 days, we saw a swollen collar bone and for that past 5 days (since the fall), he has been whiny but quite tolerable on our side and we brushed it off and assumed that he was on recovering journey. Little did we know that his clavicle bone is at the tip of broken :( until my mak summoned me on Friday morning right after I settled myself in the office. Ohh man..panic I was, I remember I was puffing and huffing, driving like a mad woman to mak's house, pickup Aidan and straight to DSH. Saw his paed, took his X ray, again saw his paed and he sent us to Orthopedic Surgeon and Trauma Surgeon huhuhu..We were told that the swollen was due to the new bone forming on top of the current one. Since he's young, his new bone will completely reformed in 3 weeks. Therefore, no rough playing in the meantime. Syukur sesangat!

This boy of mine is now recuperating and his next appointment is this Saturday. By the look of it, he is recovering well.

Lesson learnt : kalau anak dah nangis bawak sajalah pergi hospital, no need to wait and see, wait and see :P. That's the difference between 1st anak and 2nd anak, aye?


butterflutter said...

Kesian Aidan. Alhamdulillah nothing serious.
You hv your mak around and I am lucky lah at least I hv aunty huda to warn me fr time to time.

zan said...

Lucky us we have someone that we can trust their instinct. Kalau parents jauh, terpaksalah rely on babysitter kan...

Joe.Jaffar said...

sakit gak tu. but as you said, budak2 ni cepat sembuh cuma kena tahan la dengar merengek awal2 tu..

anak lelaki, kena ada scar and broken bones. part and parcels heheh

Nina Zan said...

Astaghfirullahul azim! Lucky nothing serious.

Yes yes must trust the kid. That's what happened to Najwa as well. The abah said, takde scratch apa pun. Siap marah lagi. Good thing the GP advised to go to hosp for xray.

Ala shian Aidan. Thank God you're Mom is close by.


zan said...

saya setuju! dan boleh tengok anak no 2 lebih kuat tahan sakit dari abg dia...buas dia pun boleh tahan jugak *roll eyes*

zan said...

nina : haaa apa jadi kat Najwa? tu laa..i curse myself gila2 punya..siap boleh tahan 5 hari dengar dia merengek and actually he's really in pain..tapi dia merengek sikit2 more of like boleh tahan sakit...hemm tu laa lesoon learnt for me :P

elisataufik said...

OMG! Kesian nya Aidannn!!
Tak pegi marah budak gemuk tu ke?
hee hee

IKHWANI said...

I macam rewind cerita my kakak dulu tau! terasa-rasa panic dan berdebar2nya!!!

syukurlah all is well..

kakak dulu lepas freak accident dalam bilik air tu, dia jatuh kena tolak kat kawan dia, patah gigi depan tapi i ingatkan tak serious tapi lain cerita...makan akar rupanya!

we cannot be ignorant!


Unknown said...

masyaallah! kesiannya aidan.. lesson leanrt. memang kena trust anak-anak and of course, our mother's instinct

zan said...

elisa : te he he...budak gumux itew adalah anak sedara saya, kalau anak org lain dah marah dah hahahah..

OO : i think your kakak lagi freaky, kena kat sekolah pulak tu, alamak takutnya....

Lana : yep couldn't agree more...tapi saya terlepas pandang..itulah pasal :P

nae said...

Been there, done that. Sejak ada anak nih, heartbeat pun dah jadik irregular. Hope Aidan gets well soon and mommynyer, take a deep breath.

zan said...

Nae : couldn't agree more with you on the irregular heartbeat :) thanks dear!

Lollies said...

OOUUUCCCCHHHHHH! boleh peluk tak aidan ni? Takut I crush the bones aje.

Tapi memang tough lah anak bujang you ni, Insya Allah.

Budak yang langgar tu ok? Rasa guilty tak dia?

zan said...

lolls....anak sedara i mmg takut sangat! takut tengok muka maksu dia menyinga hahaha...nampak muka guilty tapi i tak marah pun coz it's not his fault, tak sengaja.

mosh said...

standard 6 kid at 63kg? wow! i don't think i weighed that much at form 5 even.

so kena pakai arm brace ke apa?

zan said...

mosh..iyerrr 63kg...berat ya amats..perut dia usah cakap lerr...

nasib baik tak yah buat apa2 :)