Thursday, April 06, 2006

Cow's Milk....anyone?

Written on 27th January 2005

Lately Nael is not consuming the usual 20oz a day of formula milk. He started liking Full Cream milk or watchamacall it...Whole Cow's Milk.

It started last 2 weekends when he saw packets of Dutch Lady Low Cream Milk at my mak's table top. He wanted one of them when he saw my niece gleefully sipping from a straw and after much of whinning and wailing, we gave up and let him tried one. That's it! He got hooked up with the milk. Instead with low cream milk, we gave him full cream milk and now I notice he's consuming less and less formula milk.

So, this morning, I browsed BabyCenter and it says after 1 year old, babies are allowed to make a transition to cow's milk as the digestive systems are ready to digest the protein in the cow's milk. However, parents must ensure that the baby/toddler receives enough iron from other source of food to avoid iron-deficiency as cow's milk does not have iron.

Now, I have to check with paeditrician on this. Once he gives us green light, I think we will give him more cow's milk and less of formula. I think this will save us a lot of $$$. How I wish I'm a successfull breastfeeding mom.

So, I have questions for you moms. When did you introduce cow's milk to your children? I seldom heard parents give cow's milk to as early as 1 yr plus in Malaysia. My sister's friend who has been staying in London for years told me that it is a norm over in UK to give fresh milk besides EBM/formula after 1 yr old.....geee..I did not know that!

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