Nael's birthday is coming up very soon :) Yes, he will turn 6 on this 21st and Ilham will turn 11 right? Elisa..who else sharing the same date? is there any besides Ilham?
First we were planning of having bowling birthday party since Nael is so much into bowling but had to strike that one out as fund tak mencukupi :P , plus we have been at my mak's place since many moons back, so the idea of having the bowling party at our house is not convinient at all. Since, he is so looking forward to celebrate his birthday, I promised I will make do with what we have aka have a little party with his cousins and having a Ben 10 cake.
I have been busy during weekend due to work commitment *yikes* and only last Sunday, I managed to order the cake, yesterday bought rm4 below gifts for the games that we will have and today trying to come up with some idea on the far, these are what I can think off since we will be doing it at night (this Sat) in a confined area of the Wan's living room
1. Blind fold musical chair - cilok dari che na
2. Teka teki
3. Pecah belon berdua guna bontot..hahaha
4. Math question - get the age of this A, B to E person and divide by 5
5. Tulis Jawi - "Selamat Hari Jadi Nael" hehehe
6. Hafazan - 3 Kul & Dhuha : I know Nael can win this coz he can recite Dhuha and others cannot hehehe....aci tak?
7. ?
8. ?
9. ?
What else? Can help give idea on any games that kids age 6 to 12 can have a fair chance to win? with in mind that space is limited and no kotor2 ie: main air/tepung and what not. Tolong! Tolong!
Last game will be....
10. Lumba lari 5 meter for Aidan and his girl cousin (age 1+) bawak belon...hehehe..CUTE!!
Thanks auties and uncles :)
Edited :
I was thinking of having charade game...but do u think these kids will enjoy it? kang silap2 aku sorang jer yg terhegeh2 berlakon kat depan te he he...
Oh oh treasure hunt...what did che na do for the treasure hunt???
I wl say treasure hunts with family mmg best. You can ask them to do silly things b4 they can get next clue fr Wan something like that.
How many family wl be there? Can do scavenger hunt by family. Family yg menang wl get a jar of cookies or chocolates etc.
During afiq's ben10 bday I did the teka teki version ben10. I gv clues then they guess the alien.
ben10 teka teki tu cute jugak :)
3 families that are my siblings...i like the treasure hunt idea, tapi nak create soalan tu yg challenging coz i hv been having splitting headaches lately..nak fikir pun susah :P
thanks bf!
Weh apa ni? cerita pasal birthday party tapi tak jemput org ni? Dah la sebelum kejadian.
Sedih tau. Penat pikir kenapa tak dijemput.
heh heh heh
I saved few links on birthday party ideas. Tapi dah tukar notebook. So semua hilang. Do i have your email? nanti kita email working paper for treasure hunt.
Kalau tak nak kotor2, and main fairly between ages, try games yang ada relay. Boys-girls. Like bawa ping pong dlm sudu guna mulut, kepit belon with partners .. etc or pekenama game yang team must stand on 1 mat. Mat makin lama makin kecik.
I like la your tulis jawi game! Must take note ni.
Eh Che Na pulak excited dah.
I have a book on childrens treasure hunt so most of my clues cilok dari situ :-P
Scavenger hunt - List down 10 things they need to find. Family yg complete dulu menang. But it depends on the adults jugak lah kan nak join or not. Me & my husband mmg suka bab nih but some ppl might not lah.
Jgn pening2kepala buat yg simple2. Yg penting enjoy. Lots of things boleh include in bday ie science, manners etc.
Good luck and enjoy it. Ha..ha..I shd stop. Dont forget to share the photos ya.
Whoa...bunyi macam big and happening party ni. Have lotsa fun planning !!!!!
BF you ada book on treasure hunt? bestnya!! nak jugak. apa tajuk dia eh?
anyway, ada one time i buat game yg tak ada kalah menang punya concept. because soemtimes tak sampai hati tengok some kids nangis bila kalah on musical chair. So i buat passing game.
kids sit in circle. if you are ok with music, on the music and the kids will pass the parcel. music stop. the kid yg pegang parcel tu kena unwrap the parcel and ada benda dia kena buat. usually i would do something like go to your mum/ dad and say I love you. or apa-apa yg simple.
pass it a few times and a few kids kena buat something.
by certain time the kids would not want to get the parcel sebab nanti kena buat something. tapi on the last wrap, the person yg dapat the parcel will find a present for him/ her.
i did a planet theme party. so yg kena pass around tu is an asteroid.
apa lagi ah? hmm we threw some sweets. tai within those sweets ada special sweet. i call them rocket. sapa dapat tu come to me, ada hadiah lagi for them.
will follow this comment to see other people's ideas.
Lols: buku nipis je utk children. Cant remember where did I buy balik nanti I tgk. I did same as u passing parcel but each child unwrap wl get something, so all dapat hadiah. My games mostly semua dapat hadiah as what montessori suggest better if hadiah lbh kurang sama. I think last yr or the yr before the children kena nyanyi negaraku before dpt next clue :-)
I can give one advise on what game not to play. Blow and burst the balloon with a very good, thick quality balloons that will literally ballooned up to about 3 times the size of the head blowing the balloons without popping up.
And that was too many balloon words in just one sentence.
BF : org dewasa tak join but i will ask the kids to look for simple stuff around the house...alamak habisla rumah Wan..lintang pukang!!
i like your idea too!!
Lollies : i pun ada jugak teringat pasal pass around benda but i can't really remember what's the objective of the game..seem to me like pass the object, then stop then dapat hadiah but i totally forgot about the kid must do something!! haiyaaa..thanks
wahhh semakin hangat dan menarik :)
Nae : tengah semput nak plan..nie semua case last minute dan byk pulak kerja ofis :( n moi also not feeling well..haiyoo..but i'm excited again after reading these mummies's comments :)
Mosh : errrr kita beli Giant punya baloon jer...kira low quality lah kan hahaha...
Che Na :- hahaha...takpelahh nanti bila fund dah cukup kita buat untuk bloggers ekk?
ehhh i pun suka that stand on the mat thing...i nak partnerkan budak2 tu 2 orang laa..kena beli mahjong paper nie, pastu A4, pastu half of A4..kita tengok camna...ehh bestlaa!
Why not you present your working paper to us? ;)
so that everyone can benefit from your idea2 bernas itew...
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